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Hear That? It’s the Sound of Boston’s Community Choirs Coming Back Together Again.
The Jameson Singers Appoints Kevin Leong as Next Music Director
Music in Transition
Kevin Leong Discusses Handel’s “Messiah”
Choruses and the Pandemic: A Virtual Chat
“The large choruses, seated and standing (more than 140 names listed in the program), shared their confident might at every moment. . . . Kevin Leong, director of both choral groups, controlled the luminous choral-orchestra sound admirably.”
“Leong is unquestionably an inspired choice to lead this chorus.”
“Our gratitude goes to Kevin Leong, Harvard-Radcliffe Chorus, and Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra for presenting lesser-known Haydn in an accomplished performance.”
“In its 80th season, Masterworks Chorale is sounding the best that I’ve heard it in my many years of attending its concerts. Conductor Kevin Leong, in his third year with this ensemble, surely must take much of the credit for its improved sound, better intonation, better balance, crisper rhythms.”
“The highest praise is reserved for the Concord Chorus and Music Director Kevin Leong . . . Dr. Leong’s artistic leadership is already leaving its mark . . . The collective confidence of the chorus members shone through in this performance.”
“The 75 singers of Masterworks Chorale, their conductor Kevin Leong, Ross Wood and his fellow musicians deserve a bouquet of accolades for this truly lovely afternoon.”
“The performance as a whole was well crafted and professional, as the performers took us on a joyous ride celebrating new life and the miraculous.”
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